Our opinions depend upon which stories we believe


Anne Cruise says:

My Thatcher narrative:

Thatcher’s father, Alf Roberts, was a Methodist preacher. I wonder how many times she heard the story of Jesus’s admonition from her father’s pulpit:

“Render therefore *to Caesar that which is the taxpayers’* and to God those things which are God’s.”

I suggest *never*. Rather, Alf Roberts preached on the text:

“Render therefore to Caesar that which is Caesar’s and to God those things which are God’s.”?

Official tax-collector Matthew (22: 15-22) records the simple answer given by Jesus when He was asked about paying taxes, just as did Mark and Luke.

When given a Roman coin, as used to pay tax to Rome, “He asked, “Whose head is this, and whose title?” They answered, “The emperor’s.” The mark on the coin was that of Caesar; it was the mark of his property.

“Therefore give Caesar this money; it is his.””

As then, so now in this Christian State. Allegedly.


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