What is wrong with wanting a better world for those who are suffering?


I am sickened by the reaction to events in parliament this week.

I am appalled that those who want a ceasefire so that a civilian population is not collectively punished for matters over which they have no control are being blamed as if they are the terrorists.

I am sickened that Labour is claiming a victory when it partook in shoddy parliamentary practice.

I am appalled at the attitude towards Scottish politicians by those Zionists who claim to hate prejudice but are more than willing to display it against anyone who has the temerity to want to govern their own country that is currently subject to rule from Westminster.

I am shocked that Zionist parliamentarians rigged events in parliament. Both Linsday Hoyle and Rosie Winterton are openly of that persuasion

I am shocked by the appalling treatment of Palestinians here in the UK as well as in Gaza, as well as by the attitudes on display towards them.

I hate the Islamophobia that is now blatant that Tmi Montgomerie thought he could openly display it on Sophie Ridge’s programme on Sky last night.

I am appalled that just because I do not want children to die at the hands of Israeli occupying forces who have no legal right to be where they are in Gaza, I am apparently ‘hard left’, when I am not.

I am shocked by the media’s indifference to all this abuse.

Most of all, I am baffled, bemused and straightforwardly angry about the total indifference of our supposedly leading politicians to the suffering of a whole population at the hands of a fascist government because who cares whether it happens to be the government of Israel or not, that is what is happening and that is why it must be condemned: Jewishness has literally nothing to do with this, at all, and I am deeply offended by the anti-Semitism of those who say otherwise.

I want a better world for those who are suffering, and according to our leading politicians, that is something that we cannot aspire to. why, oh why, oh why?


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