Aren’t sanctions to force Netanyahu from office essential now?


The FT has reported this morning that:

The EU has urged member states to impose “consequences” on Israel if its Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu continues to oppose Palestinian statehood, as Brussels looks to step up pressure on the premier to advance efforts towards long-term peace.

Netanyahu’s government in Israel has led that country into a war that is resulting in genocide with the aim of wiping out Gaza and the chance of there being a Palestinian state, all in furtherance of a policy of apartheid within that country that he has been pursuing for some time.

Finally, the EU is noticing.

There is talk of embargos and sanctions.

There is a demand for a two-state solution.

And the underlying sentiment that Netanyahu must go to make any solution possible is growing.

This is not anti-semitic. It is the frank recognition that Palestinians and Jews both have rights.

Saying so recognises that Hamas has also committed atrocities. It is, however, a recognition that Hamas’ wrongs cannot justify what is happening now.

So, compromise is necessary, but given that all the power rests with Netanyahu, is there any serious alternative now but to discuss sanctions, boycotts and embargos on Israel so that pressure is brought to bear to demand that he be ousted? What else can be on the agenda?

And where are our government and Labour?


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