Brown Plus, Formerly Brown Schultz Sheridan & Fritz, Announces New Branding


Brown Schultz Sheridan & Fritz is now Brown Plus. The regional accounting and advisory firm, which announced its new name in December 2023, has officially transitioned to Brown Plus and revealed the firm’s new branding and tagline: See What’s Possible.

“Our new tagline and branding all came from feedback we received doing focus groups and surveys with our clients, team members and community partners,” said Ken Wolfe, president and managing principal at Brown Plus. “The message we heard was that our clients greatly value the clarity we bring to help them see what’s possible as they work towards their goals, and we wanted to infuse that concept into our brand. That’s where our See What’s Possible tagline really came from – the fact that we not just advise, but collaborate with our clients, presenting them with options and strategies to see what’s possible as they move forward.”

Ken Wolf, CPA, CGMA

In addition to unveiling the new tagline, the firm also revealed its new logo and colors. The icon in the logo showcases a stylized ‘B,’ hearkening to the foundation of the firm, while also subtly showing two chain links and a forward arrow to represent collaboration with clients and forward thinking. The two shades of blue are a modernization of the core blue color that has been a part of the firm’s brand for decades.

“As we went through the process of the rebrand, we wanted to make sure that we were honoring our past while also reflecting our current and future state. It started with the name, “Brown,” to honor our roots and the word, “Plus,” to represent both where we are today and our future,” said Ken Wolfe. “But beyond just the name, there was a great deal of thought given to creating continuity and consistency from our foundation, while still modernizing the brand for our future.”

To learn more about the Brown Plus rebrand, visit:


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