Christmas blogging


Based on the messages that I am receiving it seems that a lot of people whose comments I read on a regular basis are now closing down for Christmas, with little intention of reopening their blogs, Substacks, or whatever before the New Year.

That will not be happening here. Whilst I will definitely be taking a break, and blogging might be light from Sunday through to Tuesday, I am aware of two things.

The first is that not everybody stops work for Christmas.

The second is that many of those who do have time off retain an interest in reading. The idea` that  that we are all continually partaking in jollity for days on end, when most sane people realise that this is both impossible and undesirable, is absurd. The truth is that for most of us Christmas is not packed with continual socialising, playtime with children and excessive consumption. It can, in fact, be quite lonely for many people.

I am lucky right now. Life is good for me at this moment, and I greatly appreciate that fact, because I have definitely known it otherwise. But even if that is case, blogs will continue, as will moderation. I enjoy the discourse here, and it is certainly a lot more entertaining than most of the rubbish on television that so many will be watching in the days to come. If you want to call in, you will be welcome.


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