Is Keir Starmer sabotaging his own chance of winning a general election?


simon nash says:

Keir, and those around him is terrified of this issue. He knows that the RW press can spin any lack of unconditional support for the far-right Likud regime into an accusation of antisemitism.

He had a front row seat for the public slurring and shaming of one of the least racist members of the house, for whom peace and justice has been a life work, into a caricature.

There are political trip-wires for him all over this issue and he sees his only job for the next twelve months as carrying the precious vase over the line. And while the ethnic cleansing, genocidal atrocities and war crimes continue, which he well knows and understands, he cannot say a word.

Some will say this is weakness. “How can anyone tolerate the slaughter of children etc”. But perhaps it takes great strength to hold his tongue while such appalling injustice continues until after election night.

I hope I am right. I met Kier when as a human rights lawyer in the1990’s he came to do a speech to the law undergrads at my Uni. I still believe the man would make a good PM, and I believe he is haunted by the ghosts of what the RW press did to Kinnock when he was a teenager and to Milliband and Corbyn more recently. I think he believes the risk of the tories sneaking back in outweighs the moral imperative to say the right thing now when he has no power to implement change.


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