Labour U-turns in favour of vested interests, yet again


As the Guardian has noted this morning:

Labour has U-turned on its pledge to create a Scottish-style right to roam in the English countryside if elected, the Guardian can reveal.

Instead of an assumed right of access, the party now says it will find other ways to create more access to land in England, after opposition from some landowners’ groups.

In summary, I suspect that some landowners (call them game-shooters) said they weren’t happy about this at one of those many meetings Labour had with business at its conference and surprise, surprise, Labour’s rolled over again.

As the article also notes:

A Labour party spokesperson said: “Let me be clear that under Keir Starmer’s leadership, Labour has never committed to a Scottish-style right to roam. We want people from every background to have responsible access to nature around them, with access to parks and wildlife and the opportunity to enjoy our great British countryside.”

Anyone who starts with ‘”Let me be clear” has something to hide. In this case, it is yet another U-turn to protect the rights of vested interests.

This is getting really tedious.


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