mean, cruel, punitive and profoundly unjust


The Sunday Telegraph has this lead article this morning (and I apologise for testing your eyesight):

The message from Sunak is unambiguous. After fourteen years in which the Tories have made the social security system mean, cruel, punitive and profoundly unjust, as well as under-claimed, they want to make things worse for those in need.

Some might have noticed that I have some concerns about Labour at present, but they are not, I admit, as cruel, discriminatory and profoundly unjust as the Tories. It is  a low bar, but I will note it. I am not a fan of Rachel Reeves’ approach to social security, but it is not as bad as this.

Perhaps, more importantly, the question this  leads to is important. What did happen to Beveridge’s vision of a welfare state? Why is it that we have turned against those in need? Is this simply that the egocentricity and utter selfishness of neoliberal ideology has won? Or have our politicians lost any sense of empathy that might drive their moral compass?

What is certain is that the Tories no longer believe in One Nation.


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