North Norfolk dusk


Having posted on some birds seen in Cley yesterday we decided to hang on until dusk, not quite knowing why, but with a vague plan to then eat on the way home.

As dusk approached we were on the eastern end of the Cley reserve on the Norfolk coast, on the way to Salthouse.

I quite liked this shot of two greylag geese landing (when most geese in the area were pink foot yesterday). I was looking towards Blakeney:

Saying that, I preferred this one without the geese:

But then, turning around, having just spotted a little grebe to the right of that last shot, we saw this extraordinary sight:

There are more than 25 birds in that shot. They were almost murmurating. They are a mix of herons (the dark ones) and little egrets (the light ones). And then they settled to roost together in those trees. It was a totally surprising and staggering sight. We had no idea there was a roost there, or that we were at the right place, at the right time, to see this.

It was well worth waiting for dusk.


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