What’s next?


The Taxing Wealth Report 2024 production process is coming to a close. Work on it has dominated my time over the last eight months. Writing 130,000 words has that consequence. There is still some final production work to do that is not going to happen overnight, but it is also time to think about what happens next.

Some things are known. I have two chapters of the Accounting Streams textbook to write by the end of June. That multi-university project to create a new form of text book fir accounting is going to happen. I am also in the editorial team for the rest of the twenty chapter book.

Work on sustainable cost accounting research is continuing, albeit in a quiet academic way right now.

And this week, with my colleague Andrew Baker at Sheffield I won a grant for the third-party costs of producing more than twenty training videos on tax transparency in which I will be the main talking head. These will be for use by the International Budget Project in its training programmes with tax authorities, mainly in the Global South, but I do hope they might get issued for wider use as well. Thankfully, much of the background work on this series was done as part of the bid process.

Another big potential grant bid on accounting and transparency related issues is also being discussed.

And then there is follow up on the Taxing Wealth Report, which will need dissemination.

Amidst all that, I also have an urge to write a new book. The Joy of Tax has done well, but something new is needed now. It would be great to produce something that summarises all the thinking that has appeared on this blog in the last year or two. A publisher is required. So too is a title. Suggestions are welcome, with a note of thanks in the book on offer if yours is chosen.

But immediately? Well, in the absolute immediate future I need some thinking time to get my head around that lot. The transition out of a big project always require that. Over the next few days that is what I might be doing.

Some of that might also require time looking through binoculars. There is nothing like a good walk plus a river, lake or seashore to scan, to help sort out priorities and to do some active planning. One clears the head for the other.


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