When do we admit that we live in a state where the rule of law no longer applies?


As the Guardian reports this morning:

Protesters who wear masks could face arrest, up to a month in jail and a £1,000 fine under proposed measures that human rights campaigners claim are pandering to “culture war nonsense”.

The Guardian adds:

Demonstrators will no longer be able to use the right to protest as a reasonable excuse if they commit public order offences such as serious disruption.

Right in front of our eyes, our basic human rights, including the right to offer a defence in court, are being destroyed, and Labour stands aside and lets all this happen as another sure sign that they are both LINO (Labour In Name Only) and the TCP (Tory Continuity Party).

I am sickened, as well as profoundly worried.

When do we admit that we live in a state where the rule of law no longer applies? It has to be soon if it has not already happened.


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